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What is Brooding Of Chicks ?

What is Brooding Of Chicks ?

Brooding is the art and science of rearing baby chicks. A newly hatched chick does not develop the thermoregulatory mechanism fully and takes about two weeks to develop this mechanism and homeostasis. Therefore, they cannot maintain the body temperature properly for the first few weeks of life; and may be subjected to chilling, if not properly taking care of.

Brooding can be classified into natural and artificial brooding.

  1. Natural brooding : It is done with the help of broody hens after hatching, up to 3 to 4 weeks of age.
  2. Artificial brooding : In artificial brooding large number of baby chicks are reared in the absence of broody hen. 

What is Brooding Of Chicks ? What is Brooding Of Chicks ? Reviewed by cuiisat on 01:54:00 Rating: 5

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