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Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Poultry Feed

  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A comes from green feed ingredients, yellow corn and fish oils. It is essential to protests the poultry birds against colds and infections.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D help to prevent leg weakness and rickets. It is found in synthetic products and also available in sea fishes. Vitamin D is a  must added elements in poultry feed.
  • Vitamin B Complex:Vitamin B complex is available in milk, green feed, liver, synthetic riboflavin etc. It helps to increase the growth of poultry and chickens. It also helps to prevent curled-toe paralysis in young chickens. While preparing poultry feed, you must have to be careful about adding adequate amount of Vitamin B Complex in the poultry feed mixture.
Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Poultry Feed Essential Vitamins & Minerals for Poultry Feed Reviewed by cuiisat on 09:00:00 Rating: 5


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