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Some basic information should maintain before making poultry house or chicken cage | epoultryfarm

Some basic information should maintain before making poultry house or chicken cage | epoultryfarm

  1. The house must have to keep dry and clean always.
  2. Build the house in open air place.
  3. Liter of the house should be at least 3 inch depth.
  4. Wood powder, sand or tush can be used as liter.
  5. Mix half kg of lime powder with the liter.
  6. Change the litter of the house after every one week.
  7. Never let the poultry house wet.
  8. You  can raise poultry in open area(free range poultry farming system).

Some basic information should maintain before making poultry house or chicken cage | epoultryfarm Some basic information should maintain before making poultry house or chicken cage | epoultryfarm Reviewed by cuiisat on 03:32:00 Rating: 5


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