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Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide

Step 3 : Prepare a separate nest for the becoming mother

It's time to move your hen mother,prepare a separate nest, there she can sit undisturbed of the other chickens in your coop.
- the other chicken may lay eggs in the brood-nest and you have always eggs in a different phase - that means some chicks will die.
- the other hens or the rooster may disturb and distract her and she will leaves the eggs, and stops to brood.
- the other chicken may kill your new hatched chicks 

The requirements for this nest are:

- comfortable, fill it with straw
- separate from all other chickens, to avoid disturbing and distraction
- dark
- silent
- safe from predators

wait for the night or darken your coop.
Why? - chicken can't see very well when it's dark and will remain calm and unaffected.

take the fake eggs from your hen and put them into the "new" nest.
now carefully lift her up and carry her to the new nest.
close the opening of the nest with a towel or something

now wait for 2 or 3 days, until you are sure that she remains on the nest.
offer her water and wheat every day(!)  but she won't eat that much.

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide Reviewed by cuiisat on 11:21:00 Rating: 5

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