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Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide

Step by Step Guide

In my this post, I'll show you how to improve the success of a natural chicken brood,there's much you can do, to support your mother hen and to make sure that your chicks hatch safely and grow up to strong hens and roosters!

Of course there are many ways for hatching chicks, and this is only a guide to Improve your hatching result and help the chicks grow up, healthy and strong!

Step 1: What breeds are born mothers?

As we know that not all breed are good for hatching, but most breeds have lost the instinct and will not sit on eggs. The hen you will follow in this guide, is a wild mix between different breeds but did her job very good :)

 Few good breeds are:

Brahma  - brilliant mothers and a big plus is there size, place for up to 20 eggs!
Silkie - also brilliant mothers but not that much space - good for small coops

Note : offcourse there are others, but i really recommend this breeds. 

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally - Step by Step Guide Reviewed by cuiisat on 10:08:00 Rating: 5

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