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Top 5 Christmas Presents For Your Chickens

Yes it’s that time of year again! There are cards and presents to think about, lists to make, food to prepare and families to organize. It can be a frantic and expensive time of year.

Fortunately, your chickens won’t worry about a card or how much you spent on their presents- they are happy just to see you!However, if your girls have treated you to lots of fresh eggs this year, or if you’re feeling particularly generous- we have gathered our top 6 Christmas presents for your chickens.Before we get into the presents though, let me start by saying- please don’t get your hens sweaters or any other ‘clothing’. They do not need it and it actually can affect their ability to keep warm. The only exceptions to this would be hens that are practically bald or recovering battery cage birds!

1) Vintage Style Egg Basket

A great gift has to have form and function, right? This basket would look lovely on our counter just to look at, but chicken lovers will be able to collect fresh eggs and get full use out of it, too. A cool egg basket is a great chicken gift! Any chicken fancying family could use this in the kitchen all year round.

Vintage Style Egg Basket

2) Glitter and Feather Rooster Ornaments 

My tree always needs a new ornament each year. It’s a tradition: something that symbolizes the season and fits my personality, or that of my family. For chicken lovers, chicken ornaments are perfect. I love these glitter ornaments particularly. They have a country spirit, with twist of glam.

Glitter and Feather Rooster Ornaments 

3) Chicken Harness and Leash 

Now, this is a chicken gift for both the chicken lover in your life and for the chickens. My chickens can’t free range, but I’m happy to let them wander with me safely at the end of the leash in our yard. Additionally, when I need to make a vet visit or head into town, this is a win-win chicken gift. Talk about a conversation starter! EVERYONE will ask you about your chickens when you take them for a walk on a chicken leash.

Chicken Harness and Leash 

4) One Egg Hole Blower

If your chickenista is crafty, this chicken gift is a must-have. You’ll be able to blow out your own flocks’ eggs to save for future craft projects. Perhaps you just want to preserve the odd eggs you find one in awhile. Just think of the ornaments you can make with this for your family’s holiday tree for years to come!

one egg hole blower 

5) Larger Coop 

This is an extravagant gift, but for dedicated chickenistas, getting a new, bigger coop is often better than jewelry. In many cases,  the flock grows every year, mostly due to Chicken Math. So if you’re like me, a new bigger coop is always on the list. My girls sure wouldn’t complain about more room. (Personally, I have my eye on the A-Frame 4×6 Chicken Coop. Hint, hint, family!)

big and fancy coop

So what you are going to gift your friends and chickens on this Christmas, Comment below and Share with us :)
Top 5 Christmas Presents For Your Chickens Top 5 Christmas Presents For Your Chickens Reviewed by cuiisat on 20:52:00 Rating: 5

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