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Poultry Feed Ingredients

Poultry farming business is very common and popular throughout the world. So poultry feed ingredients are also easily available.
Wheat: Wheat is one of the best grains as poultry feed ingredients. For this reason, you should include a certain amount of wheat in the poultry feed ration. During the wheat harvesting season, you can feed thepoultry birds as mash or as scratch feed. You can also use wheat as a poultry feed ingredient throughout the year.


 Barley: Generally barley is not delicious like wheat and oats. But it contains more fiber and a great source of fat. You can feed barley to your poultry birds, when oats and wheat are not available (or in poor quality).


Corn: Corn can be a very effective grain for your poultry birds. You can feed whole, cracked or by grinding. You can feed the ripe corn to your hens. But feed the shelled corn with other grains as an scratch feed.

Millet: Millet has good advantages as poultry feed. You can use millet in growing, laying and fattening ration. Millet is easily digestible and help to increase body temperature.


Rye: Rye is not so palatable poultry feed elements such as wheat, oats and barley. So feed rye to your poultry birds in small amount as a scratch feed with two or more other grains. Huge amount of rye in poultry feed may cause digestive disorder in your birds.

Flax: Flex is suitable for high amount of protein in poultry feed.  You can use small amount of flax in the feed mixture.

By Products of Grain: By products of grains have a great health value and suitable for feeding the poultry birds. Especially various types of by products of grains are available in the shop where poultry feed are prepared or sold. It’s price is comparably higher than any other poultry feed ingredients

Skim Milk and Butter Milk

Skim Milk and Butter Milk: Skim and butter milk are very useful for all kinds of poultry birds. Especially for the growing, young chicks and laying hens. Skim and butter milk play a vital role to get high quality eggs for hatching. And it’s also a reliable source of proteins.

Balancers and Concentrates: For preparing the poultry feed, concentrates and balancers are special supplement which are prepared by the commercial poultry feed companies. They are basically fed with home grown chopped grains.

Fish Oil
Fish Oil: Fish oil is a dependable source of Vitamin A and D. Mainly it is used in chicken feed and laying hen’s feed. Fish oil is very effective when green pasture and sunlight is not adequate.
Poultry Feed Ingredients Poultry Feed Ingredients Reviewed by cuiisat on 08:39:00 Rating: 5

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